Why does Your Brain Keep Going Back to Negative Thoughts?

Okay, have you had it? Are you so stinking frustrated with not being able to stop negative thoughts?

Are you constantly feeling like you aren’t good enough because these thoughts are on repeat, “I’m not fit enough,” “I always mess my words up,” or “I need to look like that person?” When we talk to ourselves, we can be so harsh. Why do we think that is okay? Why do we keep doing this, even though we want to stop this negative self-talk? Here are a few reasons as to why our brains keep going back to negative thoughts. Knowing this will help us understand why we do this and help us get past those annoying thoughts that are not helpful.

  • We have a natural tendency to think about negative things: We have a negativity bias that causes us to think of the bad more than the good. Neuroscientists define it as, “The tendency for negativity to have a stronger impact than positivity.” Negativity bias does help us analyze a negative situation or potential threat and think of ways to avoid them. However, when it comes to our everyday lives and how we view ourselves this aspect is definitely something we need to be aware of. If we let it our brains continue down that path, they will continue to think negatively even when we are not in harm’s way.

  • When we think a thought once, it’s easier to think that same thought again: This can create negative neural pathways. This is so important to know because neural pathways are defined as, “a series of connected neurons that send signals from one part of the brain to another.” When you are aware of this, you now know that you have to continually be reframing negative thoughts into positive ones, otherwise the negative thoughts will continue to take over your mind.

  • Spending time in a negative community will cause you to think more negatively: Who you spend your time with will drastically change your thought patterns and how you view yourself. If you are always putting yourself around individuals who often talk bad about themselves or others, you will also start adopting those habits. A quote that speaks volumes is, “Who you surround yourself with is who you will become.” This is why it is so important to build a positive community and have quality individuals in your corner.

  • Consuming negative things has a big impact: Spending a large amount of time scrolling through social media or watching a tv show, that is more on the negative side can also cause negative thoughts to roll in like it’s their job. It is so crucial to stay alert to what you consume because that will impact how you view yourself. For you, scrolling through social media might mean comparing yourself to others the entire time, leading you to say to yourself, “Wow, I really need to start getting my act together.” or “They are so fit, why am I such a lazy person?” THESE THOUGHTS ARE NOT HELPFUL, and cause your brain to continuously be thinking negative thoughts.

Take a moment to think about how you would feel to think more positively! Would you feel more confident, more at peace, or more motivated to move forward with your goals? Do you want to change negative thoughts to positive ones?

Now that you know why your brain keeps going back to negative thoughts, you are more aware and can start to take action. Maybe you’ve been in this rut for so long and really just want some encouragement. If you want to experience transformation in this area of your life, tap the link below to start getting the encouragement and accountability you are craving.


Practical Steps to Reframe Your Thoughts


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